Advanced: Configuration for corporate firewalls or VPNs

Relevant if you face firewall related issues with the integrated video calls.

Marc Metz avatar
Written by Marc Metz
Updated over a week ago

MeetAnyway uses a variety of domains, IP addresses, ports, and protocols to connect calls. If you're trying to make calls to and from a network behind a corporate firewall, or through a VPN, you'll need to make sure you can access the following domains:

  • (Daily is our partner for WebRTC-powered live video calls)

  • *

  • (a Daily-owned server)

  • * (STUN server/TURN relay for coordinating peer-to-peer calls)

  • * (STUN server/TURN relay for coordinating peer-to-peer calls)

Additionally, you'll want to make sure you can access * on port 443, as it's used for a variety of fallback connection types.

If you have a VPN, calls on MeetAnyway will have much better quality if you can configure Daily's traffic to bypass it. You can usually do that by configuring split tunneling. You'll at least want to exempt port 443 for the Twilio IP ranges listed below, and possibly for the Xirsys IPs as well. If you can exempt UDP traffic altogether, that's even better.

If you have a firewall, you should allow UDP hole punching, which is essentially the standard behavior for most firewalls. If you're explicitly allowing or denying UDP ports, you'll definitely need to open port 3478 for signaling and media tunneling. You'll also need to open UDP ports 40000-65534 for all hosts in order for peer-to-peer calls to work correctly.

When you're in a call with 4 or fewer people, Daily uses direct peer-to-peer connections for your audio and video for maximum quality. When the fifth person joins, the call automatically switches to routing everyone's audio and video through a centralized Daily server.

If you're having problems with smaller calls but larger calls are working, it may be because your network isn't allowing the direct UDP traffic needed for peer-to-peer calls (blocking ports 40000-65534).

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